Indigo Acres

 Meet the Farmers


Kevin Marshall

Kevin spent over 30 years working as a computer guru, and worked his way up to the position of CTO for a large healthcare company. A voice kept telling him that God had something bigger for him, and after a lot of prayer time, he left his comfortable corporate job seeking “what was next”. At the time, he believed he was being guided to a larger, better job in the IT industry, but God had other plans. After a lot of internal struggles, two years later Indigo Acres was launched with the mission of growing healthy, healing food God’s way, free of harmful chemicals. He now realizes that God had been preparing him for this roll his entire life and hopes to use his business experience in mentoring younger farmers in being successful.


Robin Marshall

Robin, the farmer’s wife and co-owner of Indigo Acres, was part of many of the early decisions and promotion of the farm. She helped Kevin for the first 3 years or so with washing, packaging, and selling produce at the Edmond Farmers Market. However, most of her time at the market was spent sharing recipes and talking with customers with health issues. Robin completed a health coaching certification and is now working full time as a Nutritional Health Coach at Natural Grocers.

Robin has a bachelor’s degree in biology and several associates’ degrees and has worked in and around healthcare and physical fitness for years. But it was overcoming her own health issues—digestive problems, joint pain and struggles with anxiety and depression with a whole foods diet—that nudged her in the path of health coaching. Now through her work, Robin helps to support others who want to improve their health through dietary and lifestyle changes with personalized health coaching and her in-store cooking and educational classes and outreaches.

Growing nutrient dense veggies and using better than organic practices is a natural extension of her beliefs and passion and is why Robin and Kevin complement each other so well.