Indigo Acres

 Frequently Asked Questions

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You say you’re concerned about the environment, so why are you not using compostable plastic for your lettuce packaging?

Currently, the compostable plastic packaging requires a certified composting facility to process the plastic to break down. These are not available in the Oklahoma recycling programs, and actually cause problems when disposed into a recycling container. It is possible that these containers, when not properly decomposed, might cause greater harm to the environment. Until a better solution is available, we will continue to use the recyclable plastic and encourage our customers to put the containers in the recycling bins. We will continue to monitor and look for better solutions.

What are GMOs, and why are they bad?

Genetically Modified Organisms (also called Genetically Engineered Organisms) are organisms in which their DNA cells are modified for a product or seed. While the concept can be consider good by “improving” the product, that has not been the case. Many GMOs are engineered to be resistant to certain chemicals, which allow producers to use dangerous chemicals directly on growing produce or the soil. This results in people consuming large amounts of toxic chemicals.

Is a hybrid a GMO?

No. A hybrid is where the pollen of one variety is “cross pollinated” with a different variety. The resulting plant can have traits of either parent. Hybrids can occur in laboratories or in nature. When it occurs in nature, it is called “open-pollinated”. Hybrids can be both good and bad, depending on the traits that were inherited. Many of the hybrids that are found in grocery stores were crossbred to be firmer for shipping, perfectly round (to look good), or other reasons. When bred for these reasons, flavor and nutrients can be lost.

What is an heirloom?

An heirloom variety is a plant that has a history of being passed down within a family or community, similar to the generational sharing of heirloom jewelry or furniture.

Do you use hybrid seeds and why?

While we prefer heirloom and open-pollinated seeds and use when we can, we do also use hybrids. We carefully select them based on quality. Many hybrids do have great flavor, but have some disease resistance and can also out produce many of the heirloom varieties. Sometimes heirlooms are difficult to grow and can result in partial or complete crop failure. By selecting the correct type of seed for our growing conditions, we keep costs down for the consumer while providing the highest quality product.

Do you give group tours?

Yes, by appointment only. We really enjoy showing off our farm and talking about our passion. Groups and school classes are also welcome. Contact us to arrange your visit.

Why is Indigo Acres not Organic Certified?

All of the products we purchase for our farm are OMRI certified (which meets Organic requirements). This starts with seeds, potting soil, fertilizers, and pest controls. We also follow all the growing requirements that are listed in the Organic Certification process. But the process of becoming certified requires a lot of record keeping and other costs associated with the program. We choose not to be in the program so we can focus on growing the best produce and keeping the cost of our produce affordable for our customers.

Why is organic food more expensive than conventionally grown food?

The cost of organic materials, such as fertilizer and organic pest control, are much more expensive than chemicals. But in the long run, we believe eating healthy organic food is cheap as medical costs are at an all time high and continue to rise. You can pay now, or pay later.