Indigo Acres

 About Us

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Beliefs & Practices


Our Belief: We believe that God created food to be healthy and healing. Unfortunately, modern growing practices have transformed even healthy, whole foods into products that are unhealthy and promote disease. Chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers put an additional burden on our bodies in ways we are just now beginning to understand.

Our Practices: We grow all of our produce the way God intended, free of chemicals and GMOs. We manage the soil, put seeds in the ground, and God does the rest. We believe food grown this way can be a healing medicine. We pray that all who consume our food are blessed in ways we can only imagine.

Our Name: Our tagline at Indigo Acres is "Eat the Rainbow Everyday”. We believe God's food, like colorful veggies and fruits, are the most healing. Indigo is one of the colors in the rainbow, so it was natural to make it part of our name. Also, our sunsets here on our farm in Oklahoma are beautiful - all shades of deep orange, blue, purple and indigo.



Our Practices


Healing the earth through sustainable farming practices

Along our journey of learning about growing healthy food through healthy soil, we learned a lot about climate change and how our conventional agriculture is a major contributor to global warming. We knew we couldn’t be part of a broken system. Not using chemicals was a good start, but was not enough. We found that tilling the soil causes carbon to be released and lost from the soil. So, we have implemented a no-till system at Indigo Acres. We have also learned that through sustainable practices, we can add carbon (and health organic matter) back into our soil. We utilize cover cropping to help reverse climate change and have implemented a composting program. We are partnering with local restaurants to turn food wastes into health compost to recycle back into our soil, which then produces more health food. We are constantly learning, monitoring and changing our systems to not only produce health foods, but to create a healthier environment. 

Healthy healing food

We know that God created food not only for healthy living, but we believe it can also be medicine. Unfortunately, our mainstream food supply has been tainted with chemicals and processed to make it cheap. This has created food that causes diseases. Our mission is to grow the healthiest and best quality food possible. We have learned that healthy food starts with healthy soil. We focus on soil life and the billions of living organisms in every handful of soil. In taking care of the soil, the soil takes care of the plants and the food produced.